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I provide psychoanalytic psychotherapy for children and adolescents. Play and art are the media that most naturally express young children’s inner emotional world. For young children and toddlers, play therapy is a key intervention that is used to facilitate verbalization of emotions and conflicts. This verbalization can in turn help the caregiver develop a deeper understanding of their child and how their own parenting practices can be transformative in positive ways. 



Initial evaluation sessions with parents are required before a child or adolescent can be seen for psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. These are consultations that help the therapist and parents explore and zero in on the precipitants of distress and to decide if a collaboration for treatment can begin. It is essential for both of the custodial parents to be in alliance with each other and with the psychotherapist in order for child and adolescent psychotherapy to work.


I offer consultation services for care givers of children who may need school-based support, such as an individualized education plan (IEP). 

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